Here I am!Ride em' cowgirl!!!
I had my first tumble off my beloved trusty "DUSTY!"
I am okay!
Just a bruised ego !!!
We had a two days planned riding with the pony cuz's.
They trailered to our stable.
Paint Girl and Brandy
Pony Girl and her boy Riley
Saddle Mountain Rider and Skylar
Desert Rose and Lady
Cowgirls Grace and King
Cat Boulou and Atticus
Malia and JD
Doc and Profile
Our first day we rode the trails behind the stable.
Doc and I have been on several rides in the past few weeks
checking them out for the big day.
We have been having some great rides!
We were on our way back.
Copperpony and I were leading.
We had to let Doc go first to open the gate.
Everyone made it through and we headed
for the stable.
Doc and I were riding beside each other.
We do it all the time in this area. Dusty was being a STINKER!
He kept pinning his ears back. trying to nip at Profile.
I decided to make him follow in behind him,
thinking it would be better. NOPE!
He started really acting up. I got after him.
He started backing up, couldn't because there was
a horse behind him, he went the other direction
but there was a fence.
Then all HELL broke loose.
I think I panicked, he panicked, I was telling him to WHOA,
but was pulling on the reins to go backwards,
while trying to stay on with my legs,
I am sure I got him with the spurs.
I tried to stay on, but it wasn't happening!
I am very lucky.
We were in the pasture. I had on my helmet.
Saddle Mountain Rider said he was watching me
and tried to make sure he didn't step on me.
He didn't.
I'll tell you it happened so fast.
Once I knew I was falling, instinct told me to cover my face.
I landed on my backside.
That is where I wear my cell phone phone at the stable.
I have a permanent imprint! Black and blue and Huge!
It hurt like heck! Cracked the face of my phone.
Then I tasted blood.
I had split my lip.
My family and Doc kept really good care of me!
Cowboy got called to take me to the emergency room.
My physician told me they would clean it and see if it needed stitches.
So he asked me if I wanted the good or the bad news?
I said give me the bad.
He said I would need it stitched.
Then He asked me again if I wanted the good or the bad news?
I said give me the bad.
He said the shot to numb it really ,REALLY, REALLY
It was okay. It only hurt in one spot.
So I ended up with two stitches and a fat lip!
I am on day 4 and it hurts worse than when I did it.
I see my doctor tomorrow to make sure it is healing okay.
My ego is healing too.
The next day I climbed back on my trusty "DUSTY" !We trailered out to ride.
It was really beautiful.
I have to say, I had some anxiety a couple times.
Doc got after me to relax!
Dusty was really good.
I have played the whole scenario over and over again in my mind, trying to see what I did wrong.
First thing I should have done was to disengage him!
Doc and I are going to work on this.
I take the blame. I think it was my fault.
Yes, Dusty should have stopped when I said WHOA.
He was reacting to by signals.
I was confusing him.
I learned a lesson, a BIG lesson.
He has never acted this way towards Profile, his best buddy.
I am wondering if it was because he was the lead horse
before we went through the gate, and he was only trying
to do the job I set before him.
I am going to forget about it and move on.
I am looking forward to our big trip coming up in a week!
I do trust him.
Thank you Doc, and all of my family for being there
immediately to help.
I LOVE you all!!!
Dusty Devoe