Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Be Good To Yourself

I need to fill my soul with this much loved four legged beauty.
Be yourself truthfully
Accept yourself gracefully
Value yourself joyfully

I 'm having a hard time getting it together these days.
I am feeling overwhelmed.

Forgive yourself completely
Treat yourself generously
Balance yourself harmoniously

I am simplifying my life.
Bless yourself abundantly
Trust yourself completely
Love yourself wholeheartedly

Empower yourself prayerfully
Give yourself enthusiastically
Express yourself radiantly
~author unknown~

"Celebrate Your Life"

dusty devoe


Anonymous said...

I love that last photo! And i love you! YARMF

Pony Girl said...

Cool poem! Fun picture of the copper pony. Why are you feeling overwhelmed? I suppose we have a lot going on...but it's mostly good, right? :) At least we're getting more daylight each day, I'm lovin' that! Soon I'll be able to go ride with Paint Girl once a weeknight!

Leah Fry said...

Yeah, why are you feeling overwhelmed? We all need to simplify.

Unknown said...

Springtime can be overwhelming when things that did not happen in the colder months jump into full swing.

Helen said...

Vise words and the photos are very nice.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Gorgeous photos, and a lovely poem. Spring is a funny time , the days are getting longer , but not long enough yet and there is so much promise in our days ...just around the corner.I get frustrated this time of year ,because I am so ready to start stuff, but limited by time and energy. You have that lovely new store project on the go and I understand you also have a full time job. I have no doubt you are overwhelmed!You are poised for a world of good things coming your way. Take a breath and take your own advise

Maery Rose said...

I know how you feel. Even if lots of good stuff is filling your days, it can still feel like too much is happening at once. I'm getting lots of practice at just "letting go" and enjoying the moment.

The Wildwood said...

It is hard to stay centered in this busy crazy world! I am trying and my acupuncture helped me last week to achieve that.

Paint Girl said...

Hope you are feeling better soon, I think when that nasty cold goes away you will be more energized. I totally understand what you are going through.
Love ya!

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

good words! hope everything is ok!

Desert Rose said...

So sorry Sissy that you are having a hard time. When your health is in question...everything is so much harder. You have to listen to your mind and body...learn how to read the signals you are being given! I do look forward to being with you soon!!!

Autumn Mist said...

That poem is beautiful, I need to read it many times. I didn't realise you worked full-time as well, no wonder you're feeling run-down. Go and spend some time with The Boy, it's him that makes it all worthwhile! Prayers coming your way...

Grace's Mom said...

Would you like a kitten?

Haha! I'll bring you a couple in June!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Great advice and I've been doing the same. It's odd though...I've been SO busy for SO many years doing for SO many other people. Now that I'm taking time for my family and myself, it's a huge re-adjustment. I'm liking it though, I'm really liking it!

prashant said...

I love that last photo!
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